
How Did Micheal Afton Die

Non the folio y'all're looking for? Endeavor Michael Brooks, his analogue from the Charlie trilogy, or Mike Schmidt, his alias from the commencement game.

Michael Afton (also known equally Mike Schmidt and Eggs Benedict) is the main protagonist of the Five Nights at Freddy's game series. He is the son of William Afton, and older brother of Elizabeth Afton. It is frequently believed that Mike is the Older Brother, though many fans however believe he could exist The Crying Child.


Five Nights at Freddy's ane

Michael gets the task as a night baby-sit in this location, under the proper name Mike Schmidt, obviously trying to get free pizza.

The animatronics, believing that Michael is William, due to the fact that William is his biological father, mistake Michael for him and try to impale him.

Michael then sits in the role surviving with nothing just cameras, lights, and doors for five nights until he gets fired later being caught tampering with the animatronics, well-nigh likely because he was trying to set the souls free.

Five Nights at Freddy's: Sis Location

He is the technician of Circus Babe's Entertainment and Rentals and by extension, Circus Babe's Pizza World. He has been revealed to be the role player in the final cutscene of Custom Night, where he seems to have a British accent.

In Sister Location, Michael is instructed by his begetter to go to the underground facility and discover his sis. This implies that William Afton is aware of the souls of the children staying backside, and knows his girl'southward soul is inside Circus Infant. Michael trusts his begetter, and goes to save his sister. On dark 1, Michael arrives at Circus Baby'south, and HandUnit welcomes him, showing him how to bank check the animatronics' stages, and if they are not in their proper places, he must daze them to put them back on their stage. Michael successfully shocks Ballora and Funtime Foxy, simply fails to daze Baby.

On dark two, Michael checks Ballora and Foxy, but when he checks Baby, the controlled shocks exercise not work, requiring HandUnit to shut downwardly the organisation. Babe begins to speak to him, and tells him to hide below the desk. After surviving the Bidybabs, Michael crawls through Ballora Gallery, fugitive her by listening for her music. He so reaches the Breaker Room, where he restarts all the systems while playing audio to keep Funtime Freddy from attacking him. Michael so leaves Circus Baby'southward.

On dark 3, Michael returns, checking Ballora and Funtime Foxy. He then runs through Funtime Auditorium while avoiding Funtime Foxy. Michael reaches Parts and Service, where he performs a repair on Freddy, and catches Bon Bon in order to get Freddy's 2nd power module. When he returns through Funtime Auditorium, Foxy attacks him, knocking him out.

On night 4, Michael wakes up in a springlock suit. Babe begins talking to him, explaining she kidnapped him. Then, ii technicians enter the building, and send Ballora to the Scooping Room, where Michael is. He then gets to witness Ballora become scooped. He then has to survive an set on of Minireenas.

On nighttime 5, Michael checks the stages, only to see 2 hanged technicians. He and so returns through Funtime Auditorium, and enters Parts and Service, to see a lifeless Circus Baby. She explains that she is pretending and something bad happened that twenty-four hours. He so enters a random number sequence into a keypad that flips out of Baby'due south left cardinal faceplate. After entering the passcode, Michael gets a chip from her upper arm plate so she tin can communicate with him after she's been scooped.

Michael sends Baby to the Scooping Room. She and so instructs him to go dorsum into Funtime Auditorium and follow her instructions. In one case Michael completes Baby's instructions, he is in the Scooping Room. Baby reveals that her helping him was actually part of a plot and so she could use him as a host torso for Ennard.


Afterward beating a Custom Nighttime on Very Hard mode, you will be greeted to a secret cutscene, which shows the events afterward Ennard put himself in Michael's torso, replacing his organs.

In the first mini game, Michael looks like a normal man, wearing a majestic shirt and blue pants. The people around him wave cheerfully.

In the 2d mini game, Everything is the same just with him having a pocket-sized skin color change from tan-pink to tan. The people around him continue to moving ridge cheerfully.

In the third mini game, Michael'south peel seems to be more than of a green colour. The first person he walks by has a bewildered expression on his confront. The rest are normal, only waving cheerfully.

In the fourth mini game, Michael's skin becomes a darker dark-green-brown; his eyes are as well now completely black. The final three people he walks by await confused.

In the fifth mini game, he looks much more decrepit than he did in the past mini games, with a foreign glowing in one eye. Everyone effectually him seem very concerned.

In the sixth mini game, his pare has turned a dull purple, now having a white glow in both of his eyes. He also acts to be more than senile and less cheerful than he was before. At that place are fewer people effectually him and 1 of them is hiding behind their house in fear.

In the concluding mini game, he is hunched over and his skin is a nighttime purple color. His appearance is now very reminiscent of his father'due south Regal Guy course. Everyone around him has hidden backside their houses in dread.

Somewhen, his trunk has a spasm, and he regurgitates the robotic parts belonging to Ennard into the sewer. He lies on the ground, presumably dead. The player and then hears Baby's voice repeating "you won't die", and Michael gets dorsum upwardly while all of the Ennard'south eyes evidence up in the sewer. Finally freeing Elizabeth, Michael's only remaining goal is to "find" William, although it's unknown what that means.

Five Nights at Freddy'southward iv

He's the main protagonist of the nights. His role in the mini games is unknown but he is surely one of the brothers.

Gilded Freddy "Very Hard" Cutscene

After beating "Very Hard" Aureate Freddy mode in Sister Location, Michael Afton, well-nigh likely correct afterward the events of V Nights at Freddy'southward three, speaks to Springtrap.

" Begetter. It's me, Michael. I did information technology. I found it. It was right where you said it would exist. They were all there. They didn't recognize me at get-go but and then they thought I was y'all. And I constitute her. I put her back together, simply like you asked me to. She's free now. But something is wrong with me. I should exist expressionless. Simply I'grand not. I've been living in shadows. At that place is only one thing left for me to do at present. I'one thousand going to come find you... I'grand going to come find you. "

— Michael Afton

Later this, Springtrap walks in for a second before the screen goes black. Looking in the groundwork, you see the words "Fazbear's Fearfulness."

Freddy Fazbear'south Pizzeria Simulator

Some fourth dimension later on Fazbear'southward Fright burnt down, Michael took the chore of managing director of Freddy Fazbear'south Pizza Place, in order to perhaps achieve his last goal of finding and ending his father. As well as working on the Pizzeria itself, Michael was too tasked with salvaging vintage animatronics which had appeared in the back aisle, supposedly for parts. The start of these was Molten Freddy. Over the next few days, these included Springtrap, Scrap Baby, and Lefty. While in his office, Michael fended off the animatronics, by luring them with sounds.

On the concluding night, Mike's dominate revealed that the Pizzeria was a trap for all the remaining animatronics, with Mike luring them around the labyrinth in the vents in circles. Henry praised Michael every bit his "dauntless volunteer", telling him that, while there had been a way out, he knew Michael did non want it. Henry and then burnt the Pizzeria to gratis the souls and kill everybody, including Michael.

Survival Logbook

In the Survival Logbook, Michael is shown to be sarcastic, making diverse comments most Fazbear Entertainment's lack of prophylactic or care for its employees. The book besides shows that Michael is paranoid while on the task, suggesting that he sleeps with 1 eye open up. When asked why he wanted the job on folio six he states for the free pizza, implying that his reasons for working are adequately unproblematic. In the book when asked in the form of a question what he would like for his terminate of calendar week bonus, he circles the money basket instead of the exotic butters that he got from Sister Location, pregnant similar anyone else, he would've rather had a basket of cash than whatever other meaningless prize, showing Michael has his prioritizes straight and is a responsible person. There are multiple scribbles in the volume drawn by Michael implying he enjoys drawing and is extremely talented at it. Information technology's implied in the book that Michael is an extremely hard worker who is desperate for greenbacks in order to make ends meet, which is why It also stated that Michael desires to take a tropical holiday.


His groundwork is by and large told via silent deportment within retro-graphics, reading letters in red pen in the Survival Logbook, or by reading between the lines throughout the games. Between his mini game presence and piecing together information gleaned from the Survival Logbook, he is a talented artist as seen from the many drawings on the pages of the logbook fatigued in ruby pen, and he has a bad habit of chewing bubblegum every bit seen on 1 of the questions, only similar Pete from Step Closer. He is quite sarcastic as seen from numerous shrewd comments written about the company, and is likewise fit for exercising around the block and wanting to join a self-defense class as seen on a filled-in question.

Michael Afton'south main goal is to detect William, although it'south unknown if he wants to impale him or not.


In Sister Location the reflection of a uncomplicated, blackness silhouette in a dirty mirror is all that can be seen. In the Custom Night mini games, it's seen that he has a adequately light peel tone, darkish chocolate-brown hair that seems to be combed over, and blue eyes. He too wears a purple long sleeved-shirt, blue pants, and brownish shoes.

Like his father William, he appears to have an elongated smile, although it appears more friendly and warm, rather than his male parent'south sadistic and unnerving smile.

After being reanimated and condign a living corpse, he appears to be physically dark regal, due to his skin rotting. He besides seems to have lost his nose and almost all of his bottom and front teeth. His eyeballs seem to be missing from his now dark and empty sockets. The only sign of life from them is the two pocket-size white illuminating pupils, like to the ones the animatronics sometimes possess.


  • When you finish each of the Custom Nighttime challenges in Sister Location on the hardest difficulty, you will be rewarded with a series of retro-fashion cutscenes that bear witness Michael and his decaying body, ending with a final scene where Michael gives a long speech addressing his begetter.
  • William Afton was thought to be the protagonist of Sis Location, Eggs Bridegroom, before it was revealed that information technology was Michael. Michael rotting and turning purple, and the appearance of Springtrap after Michael'southward oral communication, led some fans to be confused regarding if Mike was Imperial Guy, if there were ii Imperial Guys, if William Afton fifty-fifty existed in the games, or if Mike was springtrap.
  • Michael Afton's goal in Sister Location seems to be helping his father, William Afton, to put Mike'southward sister back together.
  • Springtrap appearing in the wreckage of Fazbear'due south Fright during Michael's voice communication after Mike'southward line "I'm going to come up observe you lot," fans speculate, could be an indication that FNaF 3 is when Mike finally finds his male parent, as Springtrap, and some theorists believe Michael was fifty-fifty the one who burned it down.
    • Michael is heavily implied to exist the protagonist of Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator, since the phonation lines for Molten Freddy, Scrap Baby and William Afton suggest that all of them know the protagonist closely.
  • The Survival Logbook features a page asking most recent dreams. Mike, the dark guard writing/drawing in the Logbook, draws Nightmare Fredbear, heavily suggesting he is the 1 having the nightmares in FNaF 4's main gameplay.
    • A spirit writing in faded text in the Logbook asks "Do you have dreams?" on the same page equally Michael'south cartoon.
  • Michael tells his begetter "they thought I was you," presumably in reference to the Funtime animatronics mistaking him for William.
    • Arguably, this explains why Mike is repeatedly attacked by animatronics throughout the serial. If he looks exactly like his begetter, a serial child-killer, the angry spirits of children would want to go revenge, and/or their facial recognition systems would annals him as a criminal.
      • However, information technology should be noted that the children all the same went after Jeremy Fitzgerald and Fritz Smith, who wouldn't have this aforementioned reasoning behind it.
    • This could also have been foreshadowing, as this scene sparked the debate of Michael being Springtrap within the Community itself.
  • The shadowy paradigm used for him at the cease of Sis Location resembles Rick Astley from the 1987 striking classic "Never Gonna Requite You Up."
  • It's debated whether Michael Afton is the Crying Child or the Older Brother (aka Foxy Bro) from FNaF iv.
    • Fazbear Frights: Step Closer gave new show to both sides of the fence. The protagonist, Pete, has similarities to both FNaF 4 brothers, as he pulls pranks on his younger brother and likes Foxy, but also dies in the infirmary afterward a tragic accident and is repeatedly scared of Foxy. Pete also shares similarities with Michael Afton, every bit Pete has nightmares, and chews gum, which Michael describes as a bad habit of his in the Survival Logbook, and they both dice though remain alive inside their dead bodies. These new details have acquired more confusion over Michael's truthful role in the FNaF 4 family.
    • One infamous theory is that crying kid was rebuilt as a robot by William, and is Michael. This is believed because of the foreign miracle of Michael not dying after being scooped.
    • The 3rd edition of The Freddy Files series, The Ultimate Guide, documents him Michael as the older brother referring to him as "The Older Son" and has him mentioned separately from the Crying Kid multiple times. However, The Ultimate Guide is unreliable due to information technology being a direct re-create-paste from the infamously-incorrect Freddy Files: Updated Edition
    • In Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator there are rare kick screens that show the animatronics in the back alley. One of the screens has a poster of a man with three other figures that are believed to represent the Afton family. The human being seems to stand for William Afton, one figure is a clown, which seems to represent Elizabeth, the other is a bear, which is thought to, and could potentially, represent the Crying Child, and the third is a ventriloquist dummy who looks like an exact replica of the puppeteer, which seemingly represents Michael. The older brother is noticeably absent-minded in the poster which has led to the assumption that the older blood brother is depicted every bit existence Michael.
    • This is also seen in V Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach, every bit in the S.T.A.F.F. Bot silo, yous can see a tabular array with S.T.A.F.F. Bots representing a family of v, which seems to represent the Afton family & there, Michael is seemly depicted as the older brother. Though a scattering of fans don't seem to believe these particular S.T.A.F.F. Bots represent the Afton family unit at all. Although, the headless Southward.T.A.F.F. Bot is shown as a security guard some other time in the game.
  • Michael is one of two characters to tamper with animatronics, the other existence Fritz Smith (If Michael is Fritz Smith).
  • Information technology is theorized that Michael is the FNaF 3 Guard.
  • Co-ordinate to the Logbook, Mike has a habit of chewing glue.
  • Although many believe his shirt disappears while he's decomposable, looking back at the other sprites shows that it's color actually decayed with him, and simply has the same colour equally his skin at the stop.
  • People theorize his soul is inside Glamrock Freddy.


How Did Micheal Afton Die,


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