
How To Be Your Own Selfish Pig

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 · 294 ratings  · 34 reviews
Offset your review of How to be Your Own Selfish Pig: And Other Ways You've Been Brainwashed
This was an odd volume. It had some redeeming stories about people and their salvation stories, simply overall, the volume didn't really accept a strong, cardinal bulletin. Wouldn't recommend it to others to read. This was an odd book. It had some redeeming stories about people and their conservancy stories, but overall, the volume didn't actually accept a stiff, central message. Wouldn't recommend information technology to others to read. ...more
Brittany M L
Nov 30, 2022 rated it really liked it
Read for Term 1 with my 8th, sixth & 3rd graders. Nosotros skipped some chapters/sections and I edited a bit on the fly only overall the older kids and I enjoyed this volume. The problems she brought up were good and prompted some expert questions.
Jul 26, 2019 rated it it was ok
I've gotten stalled in my reading and I'g DNFing this one. It'south basically a bunch of discussions that took place at the author's L'Abri hostel. I started reading this ane day when I learned most L'Abri, and I was really interested in it (it's basically a place where you tin can stay for awhile to exist quiet and learn and think, presumably about the existence of God). This book is a serial of conversations betwixt troubled individuals who seek out the hospitality of L'Abri, bring upwardly their concerns, an I've gotten stalled in my reading and I'm DNFing this one. Information technology's basically a agglomeration of discussions that took place at the writer'south L'Abri hostel. I started reading this i mean solar day when I learned most 50'Abri, and I was actually interested in information technology (information technology's basically a place where you can stay for awhile to be tranquillity and learn and think, presumably about the existence of God). This book is a serial of conversations between troubled individuals who seek out the hospitality of L'Abri, bring up their concerns, and are nudged toward a conventionalities in God by the author/hostess.

Actually this is non bad stuff, and I liked some of the ideas presented, but it seemed a petty repetitive and disjointed. Also, the author never mentioned whatever of my personal reasons for believing in God, such as seeing his hand in my life and feeling his love—it was mostly logical arguments (although I didn't finish, then maybe I missed that part). I suppose that's why I couldn't really relate or get into the book.

...more than
A.R. Thompson
February 18, 2020 rated it really liked it
Questions are everywhere. Questions about life, expiry, spirituality. Answers are everywhere too, about what to do to be happy, to be important. With and so many answers, you'd think everyone would be happy, wouldn't you (there I am with another question)? Only near of those answers merely lead to depression and failure. In fact, all of them do just one. L'Abri is the old manor house in England where people go subsequently reaching the endgame of these answers, the answers that say Have fun! Live for you! If it Questions are everywhere. Questions most life, death, spirituality. Answers are everywhere too, about what to do to exist happy, to be important. With so many answers, you lot'd call back everyone would exist happy, wouldn't you (in that location I am with another question)? But about of those answers only lead to depression and failure. In fact, all of them do but one. L'Abri is the onetime estate house in England where people go after reaching the endgame of these answers, the answers that say Accept fun! Alive for you! If it feels proficient, exercise it! It's where those who don't know what else to do gather to ask questions and talk over other answers, existent answers, answers that volition alter their lives.

In How to be Your Own Selfish Pig: And Other Ways Yous've Been Brainwashed, Susan Schaeffer Macaulay explores questions she'south encountered from real-life people who came to L'Abri, people with unwanted pregnancies, drugged pasts, scarred hearts. She presents the facts, and her style that she came to her reply-- then she leaves you to decide what yours is. Exercise you believe that God is real? That He has a benevolent nature? Do you believe some people will go to Heaven and some to Hell? That all people are important? Do you?

Sometimes being a selfish sus scrofa is the easiest mode to live. But is it the best style?

Equally Susan Schaeffer Macaulay says: What do you call up?

Devonne West
January 01, 2019 rated it really liked it
An easy, comprehensive approach to teach the Christian worldview. In a world where we are constantly taught there are no accented truths and God is not relevant, this book addresses those lies. We do live in a world of "selfish pigs" because nosotros are all flawed humans and we are all self-centered instead of "God-centered." As Benjamin Franklin said, "The most adequate service to God is doing good to homo." An easy, comprehensive arroyo to teach the Christian worldview. In a world where we are constantly taught there are no absolute truths and God is not relevant, this book addresses those lies. We do live in a world of "selfish pigs" because we are all flawed humans and we are all self-centered instead of "God-centered." As Benjamin Franklin said, "The most adequate service to God is doing good to man." ...more
Gina Johnson
Oct 31, 2018 rated it really liked it
AmblesideOnline Year 7. Easy and entertaining. Francis Schaeffer's girl tells stories most people she met and issues they had and why Christianity makes sense. They are very blatant almost things like drugs and trying to discover fulfillment in sexual activity. I felt like information technology'south a really good book for teens to read but one parents might want to be sure and pre-read.
Aug 21, 2021 rated it liked information technology
A kind of "why Christianity is true" booklet. The title reveals itself in 1 affiliate, but really isn't indicative of its actual content. (And "brainwashed" never has a good connotation to anyone who might be, especially in a world of "false news.") A kind of "why Christianity is true" booklet. The title reveals itself in one affiliate, only really isn't indicative of its bodily content. (And "brainwashed" never has a good connotation to anyone who might be, especially in a earth of "imitation news.") ...more
Drew Ellenwood
An approachable and immensely readable philosophy. Frances Schaeffer'southward girl gives her father'due south thoughts and her own as easy as conversing over a spot of tea. I highly recommend this read. An approachable and immensely readable philosophy. Frances Schaeffer's daughter gives her father'due south thoughts and her own every bit easy every bit conversing over a spot of tea. I highly recommend this read. ...more
Rosie Gearhart
Dated only a expert introduction for Christian teens to some big ideas.
Havebooks Willread
Beliefs have consequences in actions. This is why I want to study worldview with my children.

I did and then much worldview study with my older ii children--rather involved worldview study with multiple books, videos, and writing of essays. I had always heard of this book, but am only now reading it. This may be my elementary worldview text for my adjacent 2. Chuckle. 119 pages. Sometimes I brand things entirely likewise complicated.

It is simple and to the point, written past the daughter of Francis Schaeffer. She

Beliefs take consequences in deportment. This is why I want to study worldview with my children.

I did so much worldview report with my older 2 children--rather involved worldview study with multiple books, videos, and writing of essays. I had always heard of this book, only am but now reading information technology. This may be my simple worldview text for my adjacent two. Chuckle. 119 pages. Sometimes I make things entirely too complicated.

It is unproblematic and to the point, written by the daughter of Francis Schaeffer. She uses examples from the lives of people she has known and how they experienced despair by following worldly philosophies only and so every bit they learned of God'southward ways and followed the instruction of His Word, they began to feel promise and purpose. I plan to read it aloud this side by side schoolhouse year with my immature teens (13 and fourteen) and promise we'll have some good discussions.

I peculiarly liked the chapter which shares the title of the entire book as information technology addresses "today it is practically a religion to worship and seek pleasure for oneself" and "the current attitude that you are being 'used' if yous cede for or serve others" because "your highest goal is happiness for yourself" (102). Equally an bated, I will say it is terribly ironic that I picked up this quick little volume and read it while also attempting to plow through Glennon Doyle'due south memoir "Untamed." Were I a lawyer, I would submit that book as Exhibit A for this chapter!

"The danger today is that we who believe in the God of the Bible oft go on living like everybody else--specially if our Christian understanding is wobbly and unsure. Nosotros miss out on many benefits the Bible promises to u.s.a. in this life. We should be assuming enough to say 'If the Bible is true, and so I tin can deed on what information technology says'" (118).

...more than
Oct 12, 2019 rated it it was astonishing
This is a neat little conversational book on Christian apologetics. In that location is much I appreciated about information technology but what I most enjoyed/found encouraging is how Susan respected the questions others were request her. She saw the logic or reasoning backside the questions and took the time to retrieve logically (and biblically) through them. Many times Christians overlook the importance of allowing others to inquire questions though equally Christians, we need to be set up to give an answer to those who ask us "of the h This is a great piffling conversational book on Christian apologetics. There is much I appreciated about it merely what I virtually enjoyed/found encouraging is how Susan respected the questions others were request her. She saw the logic or reasoning backside the questions and took the time to think logically (and biblically) through them. Many times Christians overlook the importance of allowing others to ask questions though as Christians, nosotros need to be ready to give an answer to those who ask us "of the promise that is in us." We also need to be allowed to have our own questions. When we have doubts, ignoring them is unfruitful every bit we demand to exist immune to shine the light of Truth on them in club to abound and larn in our religion. Christianity, if true, has zilch to fear from such questions or doubts as the Truth will shine through them. God cares. His Word is true. ...more
Noelle Brooks
Jul 31, 2019 rated it information technology was amazing
This was a worthwhile read and not just considering I'm a Christian. I felt information technology not only gave me practical insight for why I believe what I believe (apologetics), simply likewise helped me to see perspectives of diverse people who were struggling with the big questions of life.

It reminded me:
1. of where I've come from.
two. what tin can happen with fourth dimension invested in the lives of those we come into contact with and
3. humans are all created by a loving God, but we all carry our share of experiences and burdens.

This was a worthwhile read and non simply considering I'thou a Christian. I felt it non just gave me practical insight for why I believe what I believe (apologetics), simply likewise helped me to run across perspectives of diverse people who were struggling with the large questions of life.

It reminded me:
1. of where I've come from.
2. what can happen with fourth dimension invested in the lives of those nosotros come into contact with and
3. humans are all created past a loving God, but nosotros all conduct our share of experiences and burdens.

May 17, 2021 rated it really liked information technology
This volume has something for everyone! Information technology asks us to"look within yourself. Do you feel some direction almost right and incorrect in your own mind? If so, where do yous think it came from?" The author besides presents u.s. with questions that nosotros all ask no affair what we believe, such as what is the meaning of life?😳
But the ane I liked best is: is morality something social club can alter if it chooses?
This book has something for everyone! It asks us to"await inside yourself. Do yous experience some direction about right and wrong in your own mind? If so, where do you recollect it came from?" The author also presents us with questions that we all ask no matter what nosotros believe, such as what is the meaning of life?😳
But the one I liked best is: is morality something society tin alter if it chooses?
...more than
Feb 27, 2018 rated it liked it
Not bad, merely not my favorite. Had some pretty skilful "food for idea" and then to say. I enjoyed it none the less. Not bad, but non my favorite. Had some pretty adept "nutrient for idea" so to say. I enjoyed it none the less. ...more
Abigail Whitcomb
AO Y7 assigned read. Very good, very engaging, very thought provoking. Lots of mature subject matter, but I'm hoping it volition spark lots of adept conversations as my kids and I read it and discuss it. AO Y7 assigned read. Very good, very engaging, very thought provoking. Lots of mature subject thing, simply I'm hoping it will spark lots of good conversations as my kids and I read it and hash out it. ...more
Stacie Bean
Oct 02, 2022 rated it information technology was amazing
I devoured this book. I think everyone should read it. I love her style of writing and the ideas presented and discussed are important for u.s. all to consider.
December xiii, 2022 rated it liked it
The most interesting part of this volume is getting some inside scenes on L'Abri. Just it's a decent intro to having a Biblical worldview I read with 13 yo. The most interesting part of this volume is getting some inside scenes on 50'Abri. But it'south a decent intro to having a Biblical worldview I read with xiii yo. ...more
November 04, 2020 rated it it was amazing
Religion/devotional book on Caleb'due south school list that nosotros both found thought-provoking and helpful for understanding/owning our faith.
Dec 01, 2013 rated information technology really liked information technology
How To Be Your Own Selfish Pig isn't a book virtually focusing on oneself. It is a volume that counters the worlds' messages that encourages united states to be selfish pigs.

Susan Schaeffer Macaulay is the daughter of Francis Schaeffer. She ran a L'Abri home in England. This book goes though some of the questions she ran into while there. Is truth knowable? Is there a God? How can we know God? Why is in that location evil? Who is human being and does life take purpose? She gives brief, understandable answers to these questions but

How To Be Your Own Selfish Grunter isn't a book about focusing on oneself. It is a book that counters the worlds' messages that encourages united states to be selfish pigs.

Susan Schaeffer Macaulay is the girl of Francis Schaeffer. She ran a L'Abri home in England. This book goes though some of the questions she ran into while there. Is truth knowable? Is at that place a God? How can nosotros know God? Why is there evil? Who is man and does life have purpose? She gives brief, understandable answers to these questions but mostly encourages the reader to not fright such questions.

The tone of the volume is friendly and lighthearted. The illustrations are fun. This is a skilful introduction to the important questions of life. Cautions: none.

Jul 21, 2016 rated it liked it
This volume is splendid for people who want to begin exploring a Biblical worldview.

--Society and civilization tell you that you are meant to be a kind of cocky-serving pleasure machine. Your highest goal is happiness for yourself.
--Society tells usa that we will lose our dignity if we put other people start. One good example iis the electric current attitude that you lot are being "used" if yous sacrifice for, or serve, others.
--Today it is practically a religion to worship and seek pleasure for oneself.
--We were b

This volume is excellent for people who want to begin exploring a Biblical worldview.

--Society and culture tell you that y'all are meant to be a kind of self-serving pleasure auto. Your highest goal is happiness for yourself.
--Gild tells u.s. that we will lose our dignity if we put other people first. One expert example iis the electric current attitude that you are being "used" if yous sacrifice for, or serve, others.
--Today it is practically a religion to worship and seek pleasure for oneself.
--Nosotros were being entertained, so nosotros didn't question or think. We didn't answer dorsum to what we saw openly in the movies. It (immorality) wasn't pictured as incorrect, and nosotros never asked ourselves if we agreed, or non.

Jun 09, 2009 rated information technology really liked it
In a disarming dialogue of stories from her experiences with the L'Abri fellowship center (which is still thriving in multiple cities effectually the world), Susan Schaeffer Macaulay invites the reader to inquire questions about the significant and purpose of life and have those questions answered in the simple gospel of Christ.

I like how this detail worldview volume approaches the topic in a conversational manner. I believe the target audience is young adults and it shows in the simple yet provocative sty

In a disarming dialogue of stories from her experiences with the 50'Abri fellowship center (which is notwithstanding thriving in multiple cities around the world), Susan Schaeffer Macaulay invites the reader to ask questions most the meaning and purpose of life and accept those questions answered in the unproblematic gospel of Christ.

I similar how this particular worldview volume approaches the topic in a conversational manner. I believe the target audition is young adults and it shows in the elementary even so provocative way Macaulay uses.

...more than
Grace M.
Sep 24, 2014 rated it it was amazing
This was a very eye-opening, reader-friendly "self-help" book. Macaulay shows that it's okay to ask questions about what is wrong and what is correct. She encourages these questions to be asked and answers to be tested. I loved, particularly, how she pointed out what the philosophy of today's civilization is really saying about what nosotros are and what we are doing to ourselves. I would recommend this volume to anyone who tin can read comprehensively; it's a slap-up family book also, and starts upwardly many discussi This was a very centre-opening, reader-friendly "self-help" book. Macaulay shows that information technology'due south okay to ask questions virtually what is incorrect and what is correct. She encourages these questions to be asked and answers to exist tested. I loved, especially, how she pointed out what the philosophy of today's civilization is really saying nearly what we are and what we are doing to ourselves. I would recommend this book to anyone who can read comprehensively; it's a great family book as well, and starts upwardly many discussions. ...more than
Matthew Young
Nov 03, 2016 rated it it was amazing
Well written, powerful volume for young adults/teens. It encourages readers to really call back well-nigh why they believe what they believe. I didn't realize until almost halfway through that the writer is Francis Schaeffer's daughter. A lot of his religious beliefs smooth through in this book.

For me, the most important of these is that if Christianity is truthful, you should be able to pick it apart and examine it from whatsoever angle and information technology will still stand. I beloved this point of view and really enjoyed teaching t

Well written, powerful book for young adults/teens. Information technology encourages readers to actually think about why they believe what they believe. I didn't realize until about halfway through that the author is Francis Schaeffer'due south daughter. A lot of his religious beliefs shine through in this book.

For me, the virtually important of these is that if Christianity is true, you should exist able to pick it apart and examine information technology from any bending and it will nevertheless stand. I love this point of view and really enjoyed teaching this book with my students.

Feb 17, 2014 rated it liked information technology
This book doesn't tell how to be a selfish grunter (not exactly) only information technology does tell you what many people recall nigh serious topics like God, right, wrong, and what life is for. I liked this book because it was written in a very easy, laid back style that was enjoyable to read. (The pictures were fun also!) Susan Macaulay, the author, urged people to compare their worldview with reality. Practise their "keys" or viewpoints fit in real life?
This volume doesn't tell how to exist a selfish sus scrofa (not exactly) merely it does tell you what many people recollect virtually serious topics like God, correct, wrong, and what life is for. I liked this book because it was written in a very easy, laid dorsum style that was enjoyable to read. (The pictures were fun likewise!) Susan Macaulay, the writer, urged people to compare their worldview with reality. Do their "keys" or viewpoints fit in real life?
Anndromeda (Just book updates for a time)
Don't let the title bulldoze you away! This is one of the most life-shaping books I've ever read. The beginning fourth dimension I read this book, I was entranced and I gobbled it upwards. Ever fourth dimension since then I have gotten more from it and unlike parts hit me or came live like never before. I would definitely recommend it, to Christians and non-Christians alike. It is a wonderful book most finding Truth.
clearly one of the all-time daily devotionals out at that place..a must read especially for teens and college students..
but I ENJOYED THIS beyond clarification...
and have read it every summertime since stumbling upon it at a book fair for $ane
Dearest LOVE LOVE this book!
November 19, 2011 rated information technology it was astonishing
I beginning read this book in high school equally office of a schoolhouse assignment. And since and so I've read this book in college and after college. This book is an excellent enquiry into understanding the perspectives that we all have and what they are grounded in and upon. I first read this book in high school every bit part of a school consignment. And since then I've read this book in college and after college. This book is an excellent enquiry into understanding the perspectives that we all have and what they are grounded in and upon. ...more
Rebecca Brandt
The title of this book and the author caught my eye. Overall, I recommend this book to anybody. Parents should read so allow children to read it. There are some sensitive issues. Still, the topics discussed are focused on questions everyone struggles with.
Jan 15, 2013 rated it it was astonishing
This is my "go to" book for people, young or sometime, who are kickoff to grapple with different views of the earth. The story form will engage people who may not commonly be interested in worldviews. This is my "go to" volume for people, young or old, who are beginning to grapple with dissimilar views of the world. The story class will engage people who may not unremarkably be interested in worldviews. ...more
Susan Schaeffer Macaulay grew up in Switzerland at Fifty'Abri Fellowship, which was founded by her parents Francis and Edith Schaeffer. She and her husband Ranald Macaulay established and led the L'Abri branch in England for several years. She is also the writer of For the Family's Sake and contributed to Books Children Love and When Children Beloved to Learn. Susan Schaeffer Macaulay grew upwardly in Switzerland at L'Abri Fellowship, which was founded by her parents Francis and Edith Schaeffer. She and her husband Ranald Macaulay established and led the L'Abri branch in England for several years. She is besides the writer of For the Family'due south Sake and contributed to Books Children Love and When Children Love to Larn. ...more than

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