
How To Beat Apeirophobia Level 5

Level 3 is the fourth level in the game, and also the first level to use the central function.


》Dangerous Threat

》Time Varies with Team Size

》One Unsafe Entity

》Easy in Larger Groups. Medium/Difficult in Solo.


The main area, the Department, has a hardwood floor with white painted walls. Dotted beyond the walls are various filing cabinets. In the office expanse, in that location are more filing cabinets, occasionally some that are knocked over. There are some cabinets that tin can't be interacted with, such every bit the ones most spawn. In that location are lockers dotted around this expanse, so Players can hide from the monster if they need to, though information technology'due south not recommended since hiding makes sound.

In the Department area, the Department is quite empty, seemingly virtually empty, and quite rundown. There are also 9 rooms on the edge of the departmental walls and ane bathroom. The restroom has regular sinks, while the mirror has eyes staring at the Actor. The toilets are on the ceiling. Eight of the nine rooms are decrepit with knocked-over filing cabinets, shelves, etc. One of the rooms is just a long, empty hallway.

Afterward the get out door is a staircase that leads to an identical exit door with an orangish low-cal over information technology, as well as a missing ceiling tile. It leads to a nighttime stairwell, with an orange wall light on the wall of each flight of stairs.

Entrances and Exits


  • Jumping into the abyss in level ii brings y'all hither.


  • Using the keys, pressing all the buttons, and entering the door by spawn brings you to Level 4


The Player must starting time look in the function area to observe three keys to unlock and open up the gate to the Department area. When in the Department surface area, the Players need to hunt down buttons in each room at the border of the large room (except for the bathrooms and the surface area that has Parkour elements) and printing them. After the Players hit all eight buttons, the Exit Door volition unlock, and the Players must make their mode back to the exit door. You tin hands bypass this if one of your teammates take been downed and are spectating. The Player must be careful during all this, as the Hound is constantly monitoring each surface area heavily.

After the Actor touches the go out door, they will exist transported to a stairwell, where they then volition have to climb up a flight of stairs and find another door, which takes them to a dark and dreary stairwell. The Thespian then has to climb all the way from the pinnacle of the stairwell to the lesser, which is dozens of flights. The Player and then needs to touch the door at the bottom to exist transported to Level iv.

Simulation Cores

In that location are 2 Simulation Cores hidden throughout the level located at:

  • The right half of the bathroom, under the toilets.
  • The bottom of the stairwell, nether the last flight of stairs at the end of the level


The cutscene to Level iii

You: ah, Crap!

The Thespian(s) look around the area trying to shape their new surround.


  • The unabridged level, forth with Level 2, is based on the cameraman'due south route afterwards escaping the Howler in Kane Pixel's original video, exception for the bodily gameplay, equally well as the dark stairwell at the end of the level.
  • This is the starting time level where players can choice up items, with those items being Keys. Other levels with this functionality are Level 10, Level 11, Level 12, and Level xiv.
    • Before Pre-Alpha 1.0, this was the simply level with items.
  • This level has the nearly objectives that are needed to be completed, coming in at 11, with Level one coming in second place with 6.
  • Only filing cabinets in the part area tin exist opened, while every other filing chiffonier cannot. This is most probable due to the amount of lag this might bring. This level besides has many lockers you tin hide in.
  • This level holds the title for the near pages out of whatsoever level telling you what to do, being 4 in full.



Apeirophobia Logo.png

Released Levels

Level 0 • Level i • Level 2 • Level iii • Level 4 • Level 5 • Level 6 • Level vii • Level eight • Level nine • Level 10 • Level 11 • Level 12 • Level thirteen • Level xiv • Level xv • Level sixteen •

Unreleased Levels
Released Entities

Howler • Siren • Phantom Smiler • Starfish • Hound • Skin Walker • Titan Smiler • Skin Stealer • Partygoers • Stalker • Kameloha • Deformed Howler•

Unreleased Entities
Interactive Items

Buttons • Cabinet • Colour Code System • Crowbar • Entity Book • Keys • Level Book • Lock • Locker • Folio • Painting • Enquiry Book • Simulation Core • Valve


Abandoned Booth • BEN • Broken Reality • DOPPELGANGER • Daymare • Familiar Face • PRE-Blastoff ENDING • PRE-Alpha TESTERS • R̷̢̞̜̬̃̄͑E̴̦̦͙̻̔̂A̸̢̺̒L̶̺̮͂͒I̷͈͐͒͐̃T̸̢̢̹̤̈́̌̈Y̴̘͆̓͒ • The Lost Soul


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